
Den originale! cremet og velsmagende. Perfekt til store køkkener, caféer og restauranter – på brød og sandwiches, til kager, i supper, smoothies, gratiner osv. Glutenfri, vegetarisk og uden tilsatte konserveringsmidler.

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Stand 4106 + foodtruck


Om virksomheden

Empowering People to Snack Right Mondelēz International empowers people to snack right in over 150 countries around the world. We're leading the future of snacking with iconic global and local brands such as Oreo, Ritz, LU, Clif Bar and Tate's Bake Shop biscuits and baked snacks, as well as Cadbury Dairy Milk, Milka and Toblerone chocolate. We are one of the largest snack companies in the world with global net revenues of approximately $31.5 billion in 2022. We hold the #1 global position in biscuits (cookies and crackers) and #2 in chocolate, while we’re growing rapidly in baked snacks. We also make and sell gum & candy as well as various cheese & grocery and powdered beverage products in certain markets. We have operations in more than 80 countries and employ approximately 91,000 diverse and talented employees in our factories, offices, research & development facilities and distribution activities around the world. Our Purpose At Mondelēz International, our purpose is to empower people to snack right. We will lead the future of snacking around the world by offering the right snack, fo

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Book din gratis billet I dag

Book din gratis billet allerede i dag og glæd dig til en inspirerende dag, hvor passion for gastronomi og velsmagende mad er i højsædet.

18. SEPTEMBER 2024 | 09:00 - 18:00


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Brøndbyhallen ligger tæt på Holbækmotorvejen nr. 21, Motorvejen Motorring 3 samt Søndre Ringvej O3.

Holbækmotorvejen: Fra afkørsel 2 – Brøndbyvester tager det ca. 4 min. at køre til Brøndby Hallen

Motorring 3: Kør af Motorring 3 ind på Holbækmotorvejen og tag herefter afkørsel 2 – Brøndbyvester. Følg herefter vejledningen ovenfor.

Søndre Ringvej: Ved afkørsel fra Søndre Ringvej O3 af Park Allé tager det ca. 7 min.

Det er også nemt at komme til Brøndbyhallen med bus. Buslinjerne 13, 166 samt hurtigbus 500S kører alle til Brøndbyhallen, hvor stoppestedet hedder ”Brøndbyhallen”.